السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
عندما كنت اسجل فى موقع ThemeForest الشهير واجهتنى مشكله وانه عليا ان احل 10 اسئله يقدمها الموقع واذا وقعت فى خطأ ولو فى سؤال واحد يقوم بأعاده الاسئله من جديد ويعيد ترتيبها وايضا لحل الاسئله يتطلب منك قراءه الشروط والاحكام فى الموقع حتى تفهم ثم بعد ذلك تحل الاسئله لتتمكن من وضع خدمتك اذا كانت "قوالب او اضافات الخ ......." فنحن العرب نحب السرعه وايضا لا نملك الكفائه فى قراءه اللغه الانجليزيه وايضا فى فهمها فحبت ان اساعدكم ولو بالقليل وهو تقديم لكم الاجابات حتى يتم قبولك ككاتب ثم بعد ذلك طرح خدمتك ان شاء الله تعالى ويضم موقع (Envato شركه) 8 مواقع وهم
(Themeforest- Activeden -Audiojungle -Videohive - Graphicriver - 3docean - Codecanyon - Tutsplus -Photodune Life Easy)
ملحوظه : كل الاجوبه التى بالاسفل 110% صح ودقيقه لعام 2013 - 2014 واذا كان هناك اى اجابه خطأ ضع تعليق وسوف اتى اليك على الفور :] .
اختبار موقع Theme Forest ؟
- Q: What will happen if your submission does not validate (excluding browser-specific CSS)?
A: It will be rejected
- Q: If you'd like to use an asset within your file that someone else created and you're unsure whether you're allowed to, what should you do?
A: Ask a lawyer or the asset's license holder
- Q: Which of the following would be an appropriate file title?
A: CoPilot - WordPress and Tumblog Theme
- Q: Who is responsible for copyright violations in submitted files?
A: The author
- Q: What is most likely to happen if your file is visually unappealing?
A: It will get rejected
- Q: Who is responsible for testing files to make sure there are no errors?
A: The author
- Q: What will happen if your submission does not include documentation?
A: The item will be rejected
- Q: Who decides how files are priced?
A: The ThemeForest staff
- Q: What should you do if another author has copied one of your files?
A: Contact Envato support
- Q: Your file must work properly in which browsers?
A: All major browsers
اختبار موقع Activeden.net ؟
- Q:If you'd like to use an asset within your file that someone else created and you're unsure whether you're allowed to, what should you do?
A:Ask a lawyer or the asset's license holder
- Q:What will happen if your file contains signs of having been decompiled?
A:Your account will be banned
- Q:Who is responsible for copyright violations in submitted files?
A:The author
- Q:Let's say you spent 20 hours creating a Flash image gallery that's specific to the real estate industry. You used a mixture of your own photographs and photos obtained from other sources. Other comparable galleries on ActiveDen cost around $20. When uploading, what should you say in the message to the reviewer?
A:In this case, no message is needed
- Q:Who decides how files are priced?
A:The ActiveDen staff
- Q:What will happen if your submission does not include documentation?
A:The item will be rejected
- Q:When is it acceptable to upload a file type that's on the files-we-don't-need list?
A:When the file quality is especially high
- Q:What is most likely to happen if your file is visually unappealing?
A:It will get rejected
- Q:The size of your file should reflect what it can do and what it looks like. Realistically, how big should something simple, like a preloader, be?
A:1 - 10kb
- Q:Which of the following would be an appropriate file title?
A:Resizable MP3 Player with Playlist
اختبار موقع Audiojungle.net ؟
- Q:Tags help users find your files more easily. How many tags should you include?
A:30 or fewer
- Q:Does AudioJungle allow you to upload music created entirely from loops from Garageband,
- Q:If you'd like to use an asset within your file that someone else created and you're unsure whether you're allowed to, what should you do?
A: Ask a lawyer or the asset's license holder
- Q:Who is responsible for copyright violations in submitted files?
A:The author
- Q:What must you include in your file description?
A: A sentence or two describing the mood, style, feeling, setting and/or specific instruments used in the music
- Q:What should you do if another author has copied one of your files?
A:Contact Envato support
- Q:Who decides how files are priced?
A:The AudioJungle staff
- Q:Let's say you spent 8 hours creating a sound effect that'd be great for a driving game. Other comparable sound effects on AudioJungle cost around $5. When uploading, what should you say in the message to the reviewer?
A:In this case, no message is needed
- Q:When is it acceptable to upload a file type that's on the files-we-don't-need list?
A:When the file quality is especially high
- Q:Which of the following would be an appropriate file title?
A:Wind Chimes by the Ocean
اختبار موقع Videohive.net ؟
- Q:Which of the following would be an appropriate file title?
A:TV News Intro
- Q:What will happen if your submission does not include documentation?
A:The item will be rejected
- Q:What should you do if another author has copied one of your files?
A:Contact Envato support
- Q:What format must the preview be in?
- Q:Who is responsible for copyright violations in submitted files?
A:The author
- Q:Who decides how files are priced?
A:The VideoHive staff
- Q:When is it acceptable to upload a file type that's on the files-we-don't-need list?
A:When the file quality is especially high, and brings something new to the table.
- Q:What is most likely to happen if your file is visually unappealing?
A:It will get rejected
- Q:When should you include a model release?
A:When any person's face is distinguishable for one or more frames
- Q:If you'd like to use an asset within your file that someone else created and you're unsure whether you're allowed to, what should you do?
A:Ask a lawyer or the asset's license holder
اختبار موقع Graphicriver.net ؟
- Q:What is most likely to happen if you copy someone else's design, regardless of where you found it?
A:You will be banned
- Q:If you'd like to use an asset within your file that someone else created and you're unsure whether you're allowed to, what should you do?
A:Ask a lawyer or the asset's license holder
- Q:What is most likely to happen if your file is visually unappealing?
A:It will get rejected
- Q:When is it acceptable to upload a file type that's on the files-we-don't-need list?
A:When the file quality is especially high
- Q:When am I required to provide a help file?
A:When selling an Add-On, or any time a file requires advanced editing or contains an asset which requires attribution
- Q:Who decides how files are priced?
A:The GraphicRiver staff
- Q:What should you do if another author has copied one of your files?
A:Contact Envato support
- Q:Which of the following would be an appropriate file title?
A:20 Tiled Wood Textures
- Q:Who is responsible for copyright violations in submitted files?
A:The author
- Q:Tags help users find your files more easily. How many tags should you include?
A:30 or fewer
اختبار موقع Codecanyon.net ؟
- Q: Who is responsible for copyright violations in submitted files?
A: The author
- Q: What should you do if another author has copied one of your files?
A: Contact Envato support
- Q: Which of the following would be an appropriate file title?
A: jQuery Accordion Menu
- Q: What will happen if your submission does not include documentation?
A: The item will be rejected
- Q: What must you include in your file description?
A: An explanation of exactly what the file does
- Q: Who is responsible for testing files to make sure there are no errors?
A: The author
- Q: If a category that I'm submitting to is bound to the General Public License, will my item also be?
A: Yes
- Q: If you'd like to use an asset within your file that someone else created and you're unsure whether you're allowed to, what should you do?
A: Ask a lawyer or the asset's license holder
- Q: What will happen if your submission does not validate (excluding browser-specific CSS)?
A: It will be rejected
- Q: Your file must work properly in which browsers?
A: All major browsers
اختبار موقع 3docean.net ؟
- Q: Let's say you spent 20 hours creating a 3d model of a Honda Civic. Other comparable car models on 3dOcean cost around $50. When uploading, what should you say in the message to the reviewer?
A: In this case, no message is needed
- Q: Who decides how files are priced?
A: The 3dOcean staff
- Q: Who is responsible for copyright violations in submitted files?
A: The author
- Q: What should you do if another author has copied one of your files?
A: Contact Envato support
- Q: If you'd like to use an asset within your file that someone else created and you're unsure whether you're allowed to, what should you do?
A: Ask a lawyer or the asset's license holder
- Q: What must you include in your file description?
A: An explanation of exactly what the file is
- Q: What is most likely to happen if my file is visually unappealing?
A: All of the above
- Q: When am I required to provide a help file or documentation?
A: When the file is complicated and requires explanation
- Q: Taking time to think about relevant tags to add to your file is important because...
A: All of the above
- Q: Which of the following would be an appropriate file title?
A: Realistic Arm Chair Model with Render Setup
اختبار موقع Tutsplus.com ؟
- Q: Who is responsible for testing tutorials to make sure there are no errors?
A: The author
- Q: Who decides how tutorials are priced?
A: The staff
- Q: If you’d like to use an asset within your tutorial that someone else created and you’re unsure whether you’re allowed to, what should you do?
A: Ask a lawyer or the asset’s license holder
- Q: Which of the following statements is true regarding the formatting of your tutorial?
A: You may, but don’t need to use the template that Envato provides for you
- Q: Which of the following would be an appropriate tutorial title?
A: How to Create a Fantasy Character in Photoshop
- Q: What should you do if another author has copied one of your tutorials?
A: Contact Envato support
- Q: What must you include in your file description?
A: An explanation of what the tutorial covers
- Q: Who is responsible for copyright violations in submitted tutorials?
A: The author
- Q: Let’s say you spent 20 hours creating a tutorial showing users how to create something in Photoshop. Your tutorial uses a series of photographs that you took. Other comparable tutorials cost around $20. When uploading, what should you say in the message to the reviewer?
A: In this case, no message is needed.
- Q: How many tags should there be in each tutorial?
A: Not more than 15
- Q: Tags help users find your files more easily. How many tags should you include?
A: 15 or fewer
اختبار موقع Photodune.net ؟
- Q: What method should be used to upload over 5 images?
A: FTP upload
- Q: What are the guidelines for submissions containing adult content?
A: We accept only content not containing profanity, nudity or violence
- Q: Who is responsible for copyright violations in submitted files?
A: The author
- Q: How are Model and Property Releases attached to images uploaded via FTP?
A: Upload in batches corresponding to photo shoots. All uploaded images are automatically linked to all the uploaded model releases.
- Q: When using FTP to upload images, where should the images and release forms be uploaded?
A: Images should be placed in /bulk_import/photos/ and release forms to /bulk_import/photos/model_releases/
- Q: When should you attach a model release to your submission?
A: If the image contains a recognizable or identifiable human
اذا واجهتك اى مشكله او وجدت اى اجابه خاطئه اسرع بوضع تعليق وسوف اتى اليك فى اقرب وقت ممكن ان شاء الله تعالى واتمنى ان يكون الموضوع قد نال اعجابكم وافادكم :] .
محول الاكواد محول الأكواد اضافة الإبتسمات اضافة الإبتسمات